Download Template Valid AMP Siniladom Terbaru Gratis

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Fitur Template Siniladom

  1. Responsive Design
  2. AMP Ready
  3. HTTPS Support
  4. Valid HTML
  5. Valid CSS3
  6. Print Page Ready
  7. HCard Author Ready
  8. Fast Loading in Mobile and Dekstop
  9. Grid With Masonry in Home
  10. DLL

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Kustomisasi Template

  • Mengganti Logo
Silahkan masuk di edit HTML template dan ganti URL image pada kode di bawah ini. Silahkan buat logo dengan ukuran 30px x 30px.

<b:includable id='title'>

    <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' expr:title='data:title' itemprop='url'><span itemprop='name'><amp-img alt='Logo' expr:title='data:title' height='30' src='LINK_IMAGE_LOGO_KAMU.JPG' width='30'/> <data:title/></span></a>


  • Mengganti Komentar Disqus
Silahkan ganti kode ber-tenaga pada kode di bawah ini dengan username akun Disqus Anda.

   <b:includable id='disqus-comments' var='post'>

<div class='disqus-comments' id='disqus_comments'>

<amp-iframe expr:src=';url=&quot; + data:blog.canonicalUrl' frameborder='0' height='300' layout='responsive' resizable='resizable' sandbox='allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-modals allow-popups' width='600'>

<div aria-label='Disqus Comments' overflow='' role='button' tabindex='0'>

Disqus Comments</div>




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